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Version vom 21. April 2016, 19:17 Uhr

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Außerdem existiert noch eine Seite für die Berechnung der Geburtsjahre von Charakteren, welche vor Aegons Eroberung geboren wurden.

Diese Seite ist die Übersetzung eines Projekts, welches im englischsprachigen Eis und Feuer-Forum Westeros.org von der Userin Rhaenys_Targaryen betrieben wird. Die Zustimmung der Verfasserin zur Verwendung der gesammelten Informationen wurde eingeholt. Zum dazugehörigen Thread siehe hier.

In der Hauptreihe und den Erzählungen gibt George R.R. Martin das Geburts- und Sterbejahr der Charaktere nicht explizit an. Diese Seite führt die Berechnungen auf, mit welchen die entsprechenden Jahre festgelegt werden können.

Die Methode: Die Berechnungen sind mit einigen einfachen Regeln durchgeführt worden.

  • 1: Ein Charakter, ob männlich oder weiblich, wird bei der Geburt seines oder ihres ersten Kindes mindestens 13 Jahre alt sein. Dieses Alter wurde nach Betrachtung der bekannten Hochzeiten in Das Lied von Eis und Feuer festgesetzt (Maegor I. wurde im Alter von 13 verheiratet, Prinzessin Helaena Targaryen war 13 Jahre alt, Sansa Stark war zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Hochzeit zwar noch 12, sollte aber wenige Tage später 13 Jahre alt werden, sodass ihre Hochzeit in dem Jahr stattfand, in dem sie 13 wurde) und erscheint auch biologisch sinnvoll.
  • 2: Bei Geschwistern gilt die Annahme, dass zwischen ihrer Geburt mehr als neun Monate liegen. Obwohl Geschwister vom Alter her theoretisch lediglich neun Monate auseinanderliegen können, würde dies voraussetzen, dass eine Frau wenige Tage nach einer Geburt wieder schwanger werden würde. Es gilt hier die Annahme, dass der Frau eine kurze Erholungsphase eingeräumt wurde und somit zwischen Geschwistern mindestens ein Jahr (12 Monate) Altersunterschied besteht. Dies gilt aber nur, wenn es um vollbürtige Geschwister geht. Bei Geschwistern mit demselben Vater, aber einer anderen Mutter, gibt es keinen Mindestabstand beim Alter.
  • 3: Wenn historische Werke herangezogen werden, welche von Maestern geschrieben wurden, kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass das in einem Jahr angeführte Alter des Charakters das ist, was der Charakter in besagtem Jahr erreichen würde. Beispielsweise wurde Maegor I. Targaryen im Jahre 12 n. A. E. geboren. In historischen Werken wird sein Alter im Jahre 25 n. A. E. mit 13 Jahren angegeben (das Alter, das er in diesem Jahr erreichen würde), ohne dass der Maester, der das Werk schreibt, sich vergewissern würde, ob das beschriebene Ereignis vor oder nach Maegors Namenstag stattgefunden hat.[1] Dies gilt ausdrücklich nur für historische Werke, nicht für POV-Angaben wie in Die Herren von Winterfell und den Folgebänden oder den Geschichten von Dunk & Ei.

Die Charaktere sind alphabetisch aufgeführt, es werden ihre vollen Namen verwendet. Maester (wie Maester Aemon) werden ebenfalls alphabetisch unter ihren Vornamen aufgeführt, aber nicht mit ihren Familiennamen, da sie diese ablegen, wenn sie Maester werden. Der Familienname befindet sich hinter dem Vornamen in Klammern. Namen, die von verschiedenen Charakteren getragen werden, werden alphatbetisch aufgeführt, allerdings mit Spitznamen hinter ihrem vollen Namen, damit man sie auseinander halten kann.

Für die Berechnungen der Jahreszahlen von Ereignisse siehe Berechnungen von Ereignissen

Ramsay Schnee


Ramsay was born when Rickard Stark was still Lord of Winterfell.Vorlage:Ref This places Ramsay’s birth in 282 n. A. E. the latest. No further specifications can be given.

Raymund Frey


Raymund Frey is the youngest child of Amarei Crakehall.Vorlage:RefVorlage:RefVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref Amarei died before Catelyn Tully was born.Vorlage:Ref Catelyn Tully was born in either 264 AC or 265 AC (see Catelyn Tully), making 265 AC the last possible moment for Raymund to have been born.

Raymund's older brother Merrett was born in 262 n. A. E. (see Merrett Frey). After Merrett came Geremy and Raymund. Geremy and Raymund have not been mentioned to have been twins, indicating they were born at least 1 year apart. With Merret's birth in 262 AC, and with at least one year between Merrett and Geremy, and with at least one year between Geremy and Raymund, Merrett and Raymund will be at least 2 years apart in age, meaning that Raymund cannot have been born before 264 AC.

No further specification can be given. Raymund Frey was thus born in eitehr 264 or 265 n. A. E.

Renly Baratheon


Renly is known to have been around 20 years old in 298 n. A. E.Vorlage:Ref, and to have been 21 years old in 299 n. A. E..Vorlage:RefVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref Being 21 years old in 299 AC gives the following options:

  • 20 turning 21 in 299AC, placing his birth in 278 AC
  • 21 turning 22 in 299AC, placing his birth in 277 AC

Renly was 6 years old at the time of the Rebellion, in 283 n. A. E..Vorlage:Ref Having been 6 years old at Rebellions end, would give Renly the following options:

  • 5 turning 6 in 283 AC, placing his birth in 277 AC
  • 6 turning 7 in 283 AC, placing his birth in 276 AC

The only overlapping year is 277 AC, meaning that Renly was 21 turning 22 in 299 AC, and 5 turning 6 in 283 AC, and that he was born in 277 n. A. E..

Note: Eddard Stark mentions that Renly had been a boy of 8 when Robert won the throne.Vorlage:Ref Renly having been 8 years old in 283 AC would give the following options of birth: * 7 turning 8 in 283 AC, placing his birth in 275 AC * 8 turning 9 in 283 AC, placing his birth in 274 AC

See how these absolutely do not align with the several statements of Renly’s age in 299 n. A. E., where Maester Cressen, Catelyn Tully, and Brienne of Tarth give Renly’s age in 299 n. A. E. as 21 (with birth options of 277 AC and 278 AC). Since both maester Cressen and Brienne will have known Renly’s age better than Ned, due to Cressen having raised Renly, and Brienne having been in love with Renly for a while, their indication of Renly’s age will be the correct one, whereas Ned’s memory seems to be at fault here.

Renly Norcross


Renly is 2 years old in 299 AC.Vorlage:Ref He is 3 years old in 300 AC.Vorlage:Ref That gives Renly the following options:

  • 1 turning 2 in 299 AC, and 2 turning 3 in 300 AC, placing his birth in 297 AC
  • 2 turning 3 in 299 AC, and 3 turning 4 in 300 AC, placing his birth in 296 AC

No further specifications can be given. Renly was thus born in either 296 or 297 n. A. E..

Rhae Targaryen


Rhae was younger than her brother Aegon, who was born in 200 n. A. E. (see Aegon V. Targaryen). That means that Rhae was born no earlier than one year later, in 201 AC.

Rhae's mother had died by the time of the Tourney at Ashford in 209 n. A. E..Vorlage:Ref So technically, 209 AC is Rhae's last possible moment of birth.

Rhae was thus born in or between 201 AC and 209 AC.

Note: That neither Maekar, nor Daeron, Aerion or Aegon are still in deep mourning over their mother, would indicate that Dyanna Dayne had been dead for at least a while. A second indication is that Rhae was old enough, at some point in or before 209 AC, to put a love potion in the drink of her brother Aegon, suggesting she was born closer to 201 AC than to 209 AC.

Rhaegar Frey


Rhaegar would have been at least 13 years old when his eldest child, Robert, was born. Robert was born in 286 n. A. E. (see Robert Frey), meaning Rhaegar was born the latest 13 years prior to 286 AC, in 273 AC.

Rhaegar was the second born son of Aenys Frey. Aenys was born no earlier than 240 AC (see Aenys Frey), meaning that Rhaegar cannot have been born earlier than 14 years later (Aenys being 13 years old at least at the birth of his first child, and 14 at the birth of his second child), in 254 AC.

However, according to Davos Seaworth, Rhaegar is 30 years old at the maximum, or close to 30 years old.Vorlage:Ref Being 30 years old in 300 AC (with thus as a maximum being 30 turning 31 in 300 AC) would place Rhaegars birth in 269 AC.

Rhaegar was thus born in or between 269 and 273 n. A. E..

Rhaegel Targaryen


Rhaegel was the thirdborn son of Daeron II. He was born at least 2 years after his eldest brother Baelor, who was born in 170 n. A. E. (see Baelor Targaryen). This would make the year 172 AC the first possible birth year of Rhaegel.

However, Rhaegel’s aunt, Daenerys, was born in 172 n. A. E. (see Daenerys Targaryen (Tochter von Aegon IV.)). As Daenerys was born before Rhaegel’s older brother Aerys, Aerys could thus have been born in 172 AC the earliest (later in the year than Daenerys), meaning that Rhaegel’s first possible year of birth is a year later, in 173 AC.

Rhaegel was born at least 1 year before his brother Maekar. Maekar’s last possible year of birth was 178 AC (see Maekar I. Targaryen), meaning that Rhaegel was born no later than 177 AC.

Rhaegel was thus born in or between 173 and 177 n. A. E..

Rhaella Targaryen


Rhaella’s firstborn child Rhaegar was born in 259 n. A. E.. She would have been at least 13 years old at his birth, meaning that she was born no later than 246 AC.

Rhaella is known to have been younger than her brother Aerys.Vorlage:Ref Aerys was 18 years old when he ascended the throne in 262 n. A. E..Vorlage:Ref That would mean that Rhaella was 17 years old, or younger, in 262 n. A. E., placing her birth in 245 AC or later.

No further specification can be given. Rhaella was thus born in either 245 AC or 246 AC.


Rhaella died when giving birth to Daenerys Targaryen. Daenerys was born in 284 n. A. E. (see Daenerys Targaryen). Rhaella thus died in 284 n. A. E..

Rhaelle Targaryen


Rhaelle was the youngest child of Aegon V.Vorlage:Ref Rhaelle’s first elder sibling, Prince Daeron, was born in 228 n. A. E. (see Daeron Targaryen (Sohn von Aegon V.)). This means that Rhaelle was born in 229 AC the earliest.

Rhaelle’s firstborn (and possibly only) son was born in 246 n. A. E..Vorlage:Ref Rhaelle would have been at least 13 years old at his birth, placing her birth no later than 233 AC.

No further specifications can be given. Rhaelle was thus born in or between 229 AC and 233 AC.

Rhaena Targaryen (Tochter von Aegon III.)


Rhaena was two years younger than her sister Daena,[2] who was born in 145 n. A. E. (see Daena Targaryen). This places Rhaena's birth in 147 n. A. E..

Rhaenys Targaryen (Tochter von Aemon)


Rhaenys Targaryen died at the age of 55 in 129AC.Vorlage:Ref This gives her the following options:

  • 54 turning 55 in 129 AC, placing her birth in 74 AC
  • 55 turning 56 in 129 AC, placing her birth in 73 AC

With the source for Rhaenys’ age concerning a historical work, rule #3 applies, eliminating 73 AC, leaving only 74 n. A. E. as an option.

Rhaenys was thus born in 74 n. A. E..

Rhaenys Targaryen


Rhaenys has been mentioned to have been “a year or two” younger than her brother Aegon, [3] who has been mentioned to have been born in 27 BC.Vorlage:Ref This means that Rhaenys was born in either 26 BC or 25 BC.

Rhalla Targaryen


Rhalla’s parents, Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaena, were married in 41 n. A. E..Vorlage:Ref When Prince Aegon died in 43 n. A. E., it is stated that he left his wife and twin daughters behind,Vorlage:Ref showing that Rhalla had already been born by the time Aegon died.

No further specifications can be given. Rhalla was thus born in or between 41 AC and 43 AC

Rickard Stark


Rickard Stark’s eldest son Brandon was born in 262 n. A. E..Vorlage:Ref Rickard would have been at least 13 years old when Brandon was born, meaning that Rickard cannot have been born later than 249 AC.

Grand Maester Pycelle tells Rickard’s son Ned that King Maekars summer took place before Rickard was born. King Maekar ruled from 221 until 233 n. A. E., this summer took place in 7 years during this reign.Vorlage:Ref The winter that followed this summer began in 231 n. A. E.,Vorlage:Ref though it is unknown how long the autumn had lasted. The autumn is mentioned to have been short, by Pycelle,Vorlage:Ref however, suggesting 1, perhaps 1,5 year, compared to other autumns. Thus, the summer ended in 230/231 AC. This shows that Rickard Stark, Ned’s father, was born no earlier than 230 AC. However, since it is stated that the summer had been long forgotten,Vorlage:Ref it suggests that at the time of Rickards birth, the winter following Maekar’s summer had already begun, or there had been several other years that had passed as well, meaning that Rickard most likely had been born no earlier than several years after 230 AC, though no specificity can be given on how many years after 230 AC.

Therefore we can only state that Rickard Stark was thus born in or between 230 and 249 n. A. E..

Rickard Wyld


Rickard has been mentioned to have been 4 years old in 299 n. A. E.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and in 300 n. A. E..Vorlage:Ref Being 4 years old in both 299 and 300 n. A. E. means he was 3 turning 4 in 299 n. A. E., and 4 turning 5 in 300 n. A. E., placing his birth in 295 AC.

Rickard was thus born in 295 n. A. E..

Rickon Stark


Rickon was 3 years old when the direwolves are foundVorlage:Ref and during the welcoming feast at WinterfellVorlage:Ref. Both events occur in 298 n. A. E., giving the following options:

  • 2 turning 3 in 298 AC, 3 turning 4 in 299 AC, 4 turning 5 in 300 AC, placing his birth in 295 AC
  • 3 turning 4 in 298 AC, 4 turning 5 in 299 AC, 5 turning 6 in 300 AC, placing his birth in 294 AC

Rickon was “near four” when Robb left for war,Vorlage:Ref and he was 4 when the news of Ned’s death reached Winterfell. Rickon was still four when Theon Greyjoy attacked Winterfell. After the Sack of Winterfell Rickon is still at 4.Vorlage:Ref In 300 AC, Rickon is still 4 years old.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref This shows that the only correct option for Rickon is 3 turning 4 in 299 AC, placing his birth in 295 AC.

Rickon was thus born in 295 n. A. E..

Robar Rois


Robar is of an age with Renly Baratheon.Vorlage:Ref Renly was born in 277 n. A. E. (see Renly Baratheon). This means that Robar was born roughly speaking around 277 n. A. E., though he might have been born a year or two earlier or later.

Robb Stark


Robb Stark was 14 years old in 298 n. A. E..Vorlage:Ref He has turned 15 at an unknown moment in time.Vorlage:Ref Robb Stark is mentioned to have turned 16 in 299 n. A. E. (this remark is made after the ploy to free Jaime Lannister, created by Tyrion Lannister, has been done and failed; Tyrion Lannister made the ploy on the day of Joffrey’s 13th nameday, an event known to take place in 299 n. A. E.; the remark is also made before the Purple Wedding, which takes place on the first day of 300 n. A. E.).Vorlage:Ref This means that Robb was 15 turning 16 in 299 n. A. E., showing that Robb was born in 283 n. A. E..


Robb Stark died at the Twins during the Red Wedding. The news of his death reached King’s Landing before the wedding of Joffrey Baratheon, which would occur on the first day of 300 AC. This shows that the news of Robb’s death reached King’s Landing in 299 AC. Robb was 16 years old upon his death. Since Robb was born in 283 AC, he had turned 16 in 299 AC. Robb Stark thus died in 299 n. A. E..

Robert Arryn


In 298 n. A. E., Robert Arryn is 6 years old.Vorlage:RefVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref Catelyn Tully remarks how she had last seen her sister, Robert’s mother, 5 years ago. Robert had been less than a year old.Vorlage:Ref With Robert Arryn being less than a year old in 293 n. A. E.,Vorlage:Ref and with him being 6 years old halfway through 298 n. A. E.,Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and 8 in early 300 n. A. E.,Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref gives the following option:

  • 8 in 300 AC gives:
    • 8 turning 9, placing his birth in 291 AC
    • 7 turning 8, placing his birth in 292 AC
  • 6 in 298 AC gives:
    • 6 turning 7, placing his birth in 291 AC
    • 5 turning 6, placing his birth in 292 AC
  • Less than 1 in 293 AC gives:
    • Born in 293 AC
    • Turning 1 in 293 AC, placing his birth in 292 AC

With 292 AC as the only overlapping year, Robert Arryn was thus born in 292 n. A. E..

Robert Brax (Sohn von Flement)


Robert has been mentioned to have been 9 years old in 299 n. A. E.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and in 300 n. A. E..Vorlage:Ref Being 9 years old in both 299 and 300 n. A. E. means he was 8 turning 9 in 299 n. A. E., and 9 turning 10 in 300 n. A. E., placing his birth in 290 AC

Robert was thus born in 290 n. A. E.

Robert Frey (Sohn von Raymund)


Robert has been mentioned to have been 16 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 16 years old in both Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date means he was 15 turning 16 in Vorlage:Date, and 16 turning 17 in Vorlage:Date, placing his birth in 283 AC.

Robert was thus born in Vorlage:Date.

Robert Frey


Robert has been mentioned to have been 13 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 13 years old in both Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date means he was 12 turning 13 in Vorlage:Date, and 13 turning 14 in Vorlage:Date, placing his birth in Vorlage:Date.

Robin Ryger


Robin Ryger is of an age with Hoster Tully, in Vorlage:Date Vorlage:Ref who was born in or between 237 AC and 240 AC (see Hoster Tully). That would place Robins birth roughly in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date as well.

Rodrik Graufreud


Rodrik was the eldest child of Balon Greyjoy. He was born at least 2 years before his sister Asha, though most likely he was somewhat older, since he had command of his own ship during the Greyjoy Rebellion in 289 AC. Being two years older than his sister, would mean Rodrik was born at the latest in 274 AC (see also Asha Greyjoy). Having been born in 274 AC would have made him 15 during the Greyjoy Rebellion, old enough to be commanding your own ship during a war. However, Rodriks younger brother Maron commanded his own ship as well, and would have been one year younger than Rodrik, if Rodrik was two years older than Asha, which means Maron would have been 14 years old during the Rebellion. Seeing as how the Ironborn follow strength above all, they might not have followed a 14 year old boy.

For Rodrik this means that he was born in Vorlage:Date the absolute latest, but possibly before.

Note: Aeron Greyjoy remembers that his older brother Balon commanded his own longship at the age of 17, and hints that this is exceptional. If both Rodrik and Maron already commanded their own longship before their deaths, they most likely were both older than 17, being 18 years old at least, though most likely older. This would make Rodriks latest possible year of birth 270AC, and Maron’s 271 AC.

Roger Regn


Roger had been knighted by Vorlage:Date,Vorlage:Ref meaning that he had the minimum age of 15. This would place his birth in 218 AC or before. No further specifications can be given.

Rohanne von Tyrosh


Rohanne was still alive by Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref

No further specifications can be given. Rohanne thus died in or after Vorlage:Date

Rohanne Weber


Rohanne is 25 years old in 211 AC.Vorlage:Ref She was 10 years old in 196 AC. Being 25 years old in 211 AC gives the following options:

  • 24 turning 25, placing her birth in 186 AC
  • 25 turning 26, placing her birth in 185 AC

Being 10 years old in 196 AC gives the following options:

  • 9 turning 10, placing her birth in 186 AC
  • 10 turning 11, placing her birth in 185 AC

No further specifications can be given. Rohanne was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Rollam Westerling


Rollam is 9 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Rollam is still 9 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 9 years old in both 299 AC and 300 AC means Rollam was 8 turning 9 in 299 AC and 9 turning 10 in 300 AC, placing his birth in Vorlage:Date.

Ronnet Connington


Ronnet is 6 years older than Brienne of Tarth,Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref who was born in Vorlage:Date (see Brienne of Tarth). This means that Ronnet was born in Vorlage:Date.

Ronnel Arryn


Ronnel was the younger brother of Jon and Alys Arryn.Vorlage:Ref Jon Arryn was born in or between 217 AC and 220 AC (see Jon Arryn), so Ronnel was born at least two years after Jon's first possible year of birth, placing his birth in 219 AC or after.

Ronnel had been a knight by the time of the birth of his son, Elbert. Elbert had been a knight by the time of his death, in Vorlage:Date,Vorlage:Ref making him at least 15 years old at the time of his death, and Ronnel at least 15 years old at the time of Elberts birth. That means that Ronnel was born at the latest 30 years before Elbert's death, placing his birth no later than 252 AC.

No further specifications can be given. Ronnel was thus born in or between 219 AC and 252 AC.



Roon is 14 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref This gives Roone the following options:

  • 13 turning 14 in 300 AC, which would place his birth in 286 AC
  • 14 turning 15 in 300 AC, which would place his birth in 285 AC

It is stated that Roone will turn 16 in two years from Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref This indicates that in Vorlage:Date, Roone will turn 16, which would place his birth in Vorlage:Date.

Roone was thus born in Vorlage:Date

Roose Bolton


Roose is well past 40 in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref That places his birth before Vorlage:Date. No further specifications can be given.



Rosi is 15 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref This gives Rosey the following options:

  • 14 turning 15 in Vorlage:Date, placing her birth in Vorlage:Date
  • 15 turning 16 in Vorlage:Date, placing her birth in Vorlage:Date

No further specifications can be given. Rosey was born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date

Rosi (Tochter von Aegon IV.)


Rosey’s mother, Megette, was the mistress of King Aegon IV from Vorlage:Date until Vorlage:Date. Rosey is listed as the fourth, and thus supposedly youngest, of four children.Vorlage:Ref This would place Rosey’s birth in Vorlage:Date.

Roslin Frey


Roslin Frey is 16 years old at the day of her wedding, in late Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref This gives the following options for Roslin:

  • 15 turning 16 in Vorlage:Date, placing her birth in 283 AC
  • 16 turning 17 in Vorlage:Date, placing her birth in 282 AC

With Roslin still being 16 so very late in the year, it is most likely that Roslin had turned 16 in 299 AC, and was thus born in 283 AC, with a small possibility that Roslin would turn 17 in the last few days of the year, which would place her birth in 282 AC.

No further specifications can be given. Roslin was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Rotger Sonnwetter


Rotger is known to have been 6 years old during Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref That gives Russel the following options:

  • 5 turning 6 in 300 AC, placing his birth in 294 AC
  • 6 turning 7 in 300 AC, placing his birth in 293 AC

No further specifications can be given. Russel was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Ryella Frey


Ryella has been mentioned to have been 5 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 5 years old in both Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date means she was 4 turning 5 in Vorlage:Date, and 5 turning 6 in Vorlage:Date, placing her birth in Vorlage:Date.

Ryman Frey


Ryman is judged to be “past 40” by his young cousins Walder and Walder in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref However. Catelyn Tully judges Rymans younger brother Aegon to be 50. According to Cateyn Tully, Aegon Frey is born in roughly ~249 AC (see Aegon Frey (Jinglebell)). As Aegon and Ryman have different mothers (Jeyne Lydden and Corenna Swann respectively), it is possible they were born in the same year. With 249 AC as Aegon's roughly determined year of birth, Ryman could have been born no later than ~249 AC as well.

With Rymans father Stevron born in 233 AC the earliest (see Stevron Frey), Ryman cannot have been born earlier than 13 years later, making 246 AC the first possible year of birth for Ryman.

It can be concluded that Ryman was born in or between Vorlage:Date and ~Vorlage:Date

Saera Targaryen


Saera was the twelfth child of Jaehaerys and Alysanne.Vorlage:Ref She was at least one year younger than her older brother Gaemon, and at least one year older than her younger sibling, Gael. Gaemon was born in 60 AC the earliest (see Gaemon Targaryen), meaning that Saera was born at least one year later, making 61 AC the earliest possible year of birth for her.

Gael was born in 83 AC the latest (see Gael Targaryen). Thus, Saera would have been born the latest 1 year prior, in 82 AC.

No further specification can be given. Saera was thus born in or between 61 AC and 82 AC.

Samwell Tarly


Samwell is mentioned to have passed his 15th nameday in Vorlage:Date, meaning he is at least 15 years old in Vorlage:Date. Sams arrival happens roughly halfway through the year, and he left for Castle Black the day of his 15th nameday (and the travel would have taken roughly three to four months if it was completely by horse). This places his 15th nameday in Vorlage:Date.

It can also be said Samwell's nameday takes place early in the year, as Samwell is mentioned to have been a men grown by law (thus 16 years old) in early Vorlage:Date, after the white raven form the Citadel has arrived.Vorlage:Ref The white ravens are send out after the Red Comet has appeared in the sky. The Red Comet appears in Vorlage:Date (see Red Comet).

Samwell having turned 15 in Vorlage:Date, means that he was born in Vorlage:Date.

Sandor Clegane


Sandor is 5 years younger than his brother Gregor.Vorlage:Ref Gregor was born in either 265 AC or 266 AC (see Gregor Clegane), placing Sandor’s birth in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Sandor Frey


Sandor has been mentioned to have been 12 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 12 years old in both Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date means he was 11 turning 12 in Vorlage:Date, and 12 turning 13 in Vorlage:Date, placing his birth in 287 AC.

Sandor was thus born in Vorlage:Date.

Sansa Stark


Sansa is 11 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:Ref, and 2 years older than her sister AryaVorlage:Ref, who was born in Vorlage:Date (see Arya Stark). Sansa is 12 in Vorlage:Date,Vorlage:Ref and tells Tyrion Lannister at the end of the year that she’ll turn 13 “in a moons turn”,Vorlage:Ref indicating that maximally a month from that moment on, she’ll have turned 13. Since this observation is made so close to the beginning of Vorlage:Date, that the possibility exists that Sansa won’t turn 13 until Vorlage:Date. Since Sansa’s earlier age observations cannot give an indication, and since the observation “Sansa is 2 years older than Arya” suggests that Sansa was born in 287 AC, figuring out if Sansa turns 13 in Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date can prove if she’s truly born in 287 AC, or whether she was born in 286 AC. The minimum time that passes is as follows:

  • From Sansa’s wedding until arrival of the news at Riverrun = 4 day minimum (see Note#1)
  • From arrival of the news of Sansa’s wedding, until Hoster Tully’s funeral = 1 dayVorlage:Ref
  • From funeral of Hoster Tully until the departude from Riverrun = 1 day (minimum) Vorlage:Ref
  • A minimum of 19 days traveling from Riverrun to the TwinsVorlage:Ref
  • From Green Fork to Twins = 1 day minimumVorlage:Ref
  • From arrival at the Twins until the Red Wedding = 0 daysVorlage:Ref
  • From news of Red Wedding until King’s Landing = 4 day minimum (see Note#1)

It can be concluded that a minimum of 30 days days pass between Sansa’s wedding and Joffrey’s wedding to Margaery on the first day of the 300th year After the Conquest, and thus that Sansa turns 13 in Vorlage:Date, placing her birth in Vorlage:Date.

It should be noted that, when the news of the Red Wedding reaches King’s Landing, Joffrey Baratheon believes there is still time for a raven to reach the Twins, and for a rider to return from the Twins to King’s Landing with Robb Stark's head, before Joffrey’s wedding on the first day of Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref This suggests there are still several weeks (about a fortnight) between the news reaching King’s Landing, and the beginning of Vorlage:Date, thereby confirming Sansa’s nameday taking place in late Vorlage:Date.

Note #1: the minimum of 4 days travel for the ravens from King’s Landing to the Twins and back, is a distance guessed, compared to the distance between Oxcross and King’s Landing, and the fact a raven needs 6 days to cross that distance.

Note #2: But Arya and Sansa are said to be 2 years apart in age, as told from their points of view? Yes, that’s true. Looking at Arya and Sansa a bit closer, and the placement of their namedays in the years, we see that Arya’s nameday falls in the first few months of the year, while Sansa’s nameday thus falls within the last month of the year. Whilst the number of years in between the two girls suggests a gap of three years, with Arya having been born close after the turning of the year, and Sansa close to the turning of the year, the gap in between the two sisters is two years and a few short months, which would then be rounded down to 2 years in speaking terms. This also gives a look in the age differences between Catelyn and Lysa Tully (see Catelyn Tully and Lysa Tully). With Catelyn and Lysa two years apart, Catelyn later admits that she and Lysa are further apart in age than Arya and Sansa, showing that Catelyn and Lysa differ in age between 2 years and a few months, and 2 years and 6 months (since 2,5 years would be rounded up to 3, mathematically speaking).

Sarella Sand


Sarella Sand is described to be 19 years old during Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref That leaves two options for Sarella:

  • 18 turning 19 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 281 AC
  • 19 turning 20 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 280 AC

No further specifications can be given. Sarella was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Sarra Frey


Sarra has been mentioned to have been 14 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref This gives the following options:

  • 13 turning 14 in 299 AC, placing her birth in 285 AC
  • 14 turning 15 in 299 AC, placing her birth in 284 AC

Sarra's older brother Malwyn was born in 284 AC (see Malwyn Frey). Sarra would have been born at least 1 year after Malwyn, leaving only the option 285 AC

Sarra Frey was born in Vorlage:Date.



Satin claims to be 18 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref That gives him the following options:

  • 17 turning 18 in 299 AC, placing his birth in 281 AC
  • 18 turning 19 in 299 AC, placing his birth in 280 AC

No further specifications can be given. Satin was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Selwyn Tarth


Selwyn is 54 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref That gives the following options:

  • 53 turning 54 in 300 AC, placing his birth in Vorlage:Date
  • 54 turning 55 in 300 AC, placing his birth in Vorlage:Date

No further specifications can be given. Selwyn was born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Serra Frey


Serra has been mentioned to have been 14 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref This gives the following options:

  • 13 turning 14 in 299 AC, placing her birth in 285 AC
  • 14 turning 15 in 299 AC, placing her birth in 284 AC

Serra's older brother Malwyn was born in 284 AC (see Malwyn Frey). Serra would have been born at least 1 year after Malwyn, leaving only the option 285 AC.

Serra Frey was born in Vorlage:Date.



Shae is known to have been 18 in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref That gives her the following options:

  • 17 turning 18 in 299 AC, placing her birth in 281 AC
  • 18 turning 19 in 299 AC, placing her birth in 280 AC

No further specifications can be given. Shae was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Shaera Targaryen


Shaera was 14 years old when she got married in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref As the source is a historical work, rule #3 applies, meaning that Shaera was turning 14 in 240AC, placing her birth in Vorlage:Date.


The last mention of Shaera is during the reign of King Jaehaerys II, in either late 259 AC, or early 260 AC, at the onset of the War of the Ninepenny Kings.Vorlage:Ref That means that Shaera died in either 259 AC or later.

Sharin Baratheon


Sharin is mentioned in early Vorlage:Date to be turning 10 on her next nameday, showing that in early 299 AC, she’s still 9 years old.Vorlage:Ref Shireen was 9 years old in 298 AC as well.Vorlage:Ref Being 9 in 298 AC and 299 AC means that Shireen was 8 turning 9 in 298 AC and 9 turning 10 in 299 AC, placing her birth in Vorlage:Date.

Sharra Arryn


Sharra Arryn was 10 years older than Aegon I Targaryen.Vorlage:Ref Aegon I Targaryen was born in 27 BC.Vorlage:Ref That places Sharra’s birth in 37 BC.

Shiera Seestern


Shiera was the youngest of the Great Bastards. She was born to Serenei of Lys, the last mistress of King Aegon IV. The previous mistress, Jeyne Lothston, had been send from court no earlier than 178 AC. That means that Serenei arrived no earlier than 178 AC, and thus Shiera was born no earlier than 178 AC.

Shiera was born before the death of Aegon IV. Aegon IV died in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref

No further specifications can be given. Shiera was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date

Shirei Frey


Shirei was 6 years old in Vorlage:Date,Vorlage:RefVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and 7 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref This gives Shirei the following options:

  • 5 turning 6 in 299 AC, and 6 turning 7 in 300AC, placing her birth in Vorlage:Date
  • 6 turning 7 in 299 AC, and 7 turning 8 in 300AC, placing her birth in Vorlage:Date

No further specifics can be given. Shirei was born either in Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Stannis Baratheon


In the early months of Vorlage:Date, Stannis Baratheon was 34 years old.Vorlage:Ref This gives two options for Stannis:

  • 33 turning 34 in 299 AC, placing his birth in 265 AC
  • 34 turning 35 in 299 AC, placing his birth in 264 AC

In addition, we have the following quote from Stannis about his age in relation to Robert’s: Vorlage:Quote

This quote shows that while Stannis was 4, Robert could be both 5 and 6. This means that after Stannis turned 4, Robert remained 5 for a while, before turning 6. It is unknown, however, when in the year the namedays fall. There are two scenarios:

  • Robert turns 6 the same year Stannis has turned 4, placing Robert’s nameday after Stannis’ nameday in the same year
  • Robert turns 6 the year after Stannis has turned 4, placing Robert’s nameday before Stannis’ nameday in the year.

The first option gives an age difference of 2 years, the second option gives an age difference of 1 year.

It is also mentioned by Eddard Stark that Stannis was “a bare year” younger than RobertVorlage:Ref, indicating the two brothers were born a year apart, and not two, eliminating the first option, leaving only the second option.

However, it has been confirmed that Stannis was born in Vorlage:Date, and that Robert was born in Vorlage:Date,Vorlage:Ref meaning that “a bare year apart” would indicate that Robert was born rather late in the year Vorlage:Date, and Stannis rather early in the year Vorlage:Date (think about the last few and first few months of the respective years), leaving roughly a year in between the two brothers, when counting the months.

Note: In addition: Davos mentions that Stannis “could not have been much more than twenty” when he had the command at Storm’s End,Vorlage:Ref during the Siege, indicating that Stannis had been 20 during the Siege at the eldest, but that he possibly had been younger. The Siege started in late 282 AC, lasting into 283AC. If Stannis was 20 years or close to 20 during the Siege, that gives the following options:

  • 18 turning 19 in 282 AC, placing his birth in 263 AC
  • 19 turning 20 in 282 AC, placing his birth in 262 AC
  • 18 turning 19 in 283 AC, placing his birth in 264 AC
  • 19 turning 20 in 283 AC, placing his birth in 263 AC

As seen above, the only two options Stannis had in the first place were Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date. This eliminates both 263 AC and 262 AC as options for Stannis, leaving only 264 AC, thereby confirming

Making Stannis any younger during the Siege, would be in contrast with Davos’ quote. If Stannis had been born in 265 AC, he would only have been 16 or 17 (depending on the timing of his nameday) at the beginning of the Siege, and 17 or 18 at the end of it. Though an age of 18 years can be described as being close to 20, being only 17 years old, or younger, would truly be pushing the limit.

Both the timing of the mentioning of Stannis’ age (the first month or the first half of the second month of 299 AC), and Stannis’ age during the Siege for all available options, compared with Davos’ quote, suggests that Stannis has yet to turn 35 in the year 299 AC, which would place his birth in 264 AC. This means Stannis was only 17 or 18 years old when the Siege at Storm’s End began, and that he was either 18 or 19 when it ended.

Stannis was thus born in Vorlage:Date.

Stannis Seewert


Stannis is 9 years old in 299 AC.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref Stannis is 10 years old in 300 AC.Vorlage:Ref That gives Stannis the following options:

  • 8 turning 9 in 299 AC, and 9 turning 10 in 300 AC, placing his birth in 290 AC
  • 9 turning 10 in 299 AC, and 10 turning 11 in 300 AC, placing his birth in 289 AC

No further specifications can be given. Stannis was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date

Steffert Lennister


Stafford Lannister was the younger brother of Joanna Lannister, who was born in or between 245 AC and 250 AC (see Joanna Lannister). Thus, Stafford was born at least one year later than Joanna, making 246 AC his first possible year of birth.

Stafford is stated to have been a young squire in early Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref This gives him the minimum age of 8 in 261 AC, placing his birth no later than 253 AC.

No further specifications can be given. Stafford was thus born in or between 246 AC and 253 AC.

Steffon Baratheon


Steffon’s birth has been confirmed to have occurred in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref


Steffon went Across the Narrow Sea on the orders of King Aerys II in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref He died on his way back. After his death, Tywin Lannister brought Cersei Lannister to court, at the age of 12.Vorlage:Ref As it is a historical work of Maester Yandel describing Cersei Lannister as aged 12 at this event, Cersei Lannister will have been turning 12 that year (see rule #3), indicating that this event occurred in Vorlage:Date, as Cersei Lannister was born in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref

Steffon Frey


Steffon is the eldest child of Walton Frey. Walton would have been at least 13 years old when Steffon was born. Walton was born no earlier than 250 AC, meaning that Steffon cannot have been born earlier than 263 AC.

Steffon would be older than his sister Walda Frey by at least a year. Walda Frey was born no later than 281 AC (see Walda Frey (Fair Walda)), meaning that Steffon was born at least one year before the latest, thus in 280 AC.

Steffon Frey was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Steffon Seewert


Stefffon is 6 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref Steffon is still 6 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref That Steffon was 6 during born Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date, means he was 5 turning 6 in Vorlage:Date, and 6 turning 7 in Vorlage:Date, placing his birth in Vorlage:Date.



Stonesnake is near 50 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref “Near 50” shows Stonesneak is 49 years old at the latest, meaning he was born in or after 250 AC. Since the term “near” is used, it seems likely that Stonesneak is betweent he age of 46 and 49, placing his birth in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Stevron Frey


Stevron is known to have been past 60 in early Vorlage:Date,Vorlage:Ref giving Stevron a minimum of being 61 years old in Vorlage:Date. Big Walder Frey believes that Stevron was 65 years old when he died in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref If Big Walder is correct in his statement, Stevron has the following options:

  • 64 turning 65 in 299 AC, placing his birth in 234 AC
  • 65 turning 66 in 299 AC, placing his birth in 233 AC

No further specifications can be given. Stevron was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Note: However, Big Walder was also convinced that Stevron’s eldest son Ryman was past 40 in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Stevron’s second born son, Aegon, was judged by Catelyn Stark to have been 50 years old. If Aegon Frey truly is 50 years old, Ryman would be at least one year older, 51, in the last days of Vorlage:Date, placing his birth in 248AC. This shows that even though Big Walder’s statement is correct (being 51 years old is “past 40”), it is by no means exact.

If Ryman was indeed at least 51 years old in Vorlage:Date, he would have been born at least in 248 AC, while Stevron was 14 or 15 years old. Seeing as how Stevron would have been at a minimum 13 years old at the birth of his first child, it would be possible for Stevron to have indeed been 65 years old when he died in Vorlage:Date.

Note: Merrett Frey states that Lord Walder had been grooming Stevron for ruling for 60 years, in early Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref It is very well possible that Merrett was rounding down the years. Another possibility is that Big Walder was wrong about Stevrons age, as he seems to have been wrong about Rymans age as well.

Sylva Santagar


Sylva is mentioned to be 23 years old in Vorlage:Date,Vorlage:Ref which gives the following options:

  • 22 turning 23 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 277 AC
  • 23 turning 24 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 276 AC

No further specifications can be given. Sylva was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Symond Frey


Symond is younger than his sister Lythene by at least one year. Lythene was born the earliest in 251 AC (see Lythene Frey), meaning that Symonds earliest possible year of birth is 252 AC.

Symond is older than his younger brother Danwell by at least one year. Danwell was born in 261 AC the latest (see Danwell Frey), meaning that Symond was born no later than one year before, in 260 AC.

No further specifications can be given. Symond was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Taena Sonnwetter


Taena is mentioned to have been a decade younger than Cersei Lannister,Vorlage:Ref who was born in Vorlage:Date .Vorlage:Ref This would place Taena’s birth roughly in Vorlage:Date.

It can be said with certainty that Taena would have been at least 13 years old at the birth of her son, Russel. Russel was born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date (see Russel Merryweather). Taena would thus have been 13 years old in 294 AC the latest, showing that Taena definitly was born in 281 AC, if not before.

Theon Graufreud


Theon was mentioned to be 19 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:Ref:

  • 18 turning 19 in 298 AC, placing his birth in 279 AC
  • 19 turning 20 in 298 AC, placing his birth in 278 AC

In early Vorlage:Date, Theon mentions he was taken away from Pyke 10 years ago, when he was 10 years old.Vorlage:Ref This would make Theon 20 years old in Vorlage:Date:

  • 19 turning 20, placing his birth in 279 AC
  • 20 turning 21, placing his birth in 278 AC

No further specifications can be given about Theon. Theon was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.



Therry is 14 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref That gives him the following options:

  • 13 turning 14 in 300 AC, placing his birth in 286 AC
  • 14 turning 15 in 300 AC, placing hi sbirth in 285 AC

No further specifications can be given. Therry was thus born in Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.



Timett son of Timett had not yet turned 20 in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Suggesting he was at the most 19 years old in 298 AC, though it is possible he would be turning 20 later that year, which would place his birth in Vorlage:Date. Timett was thus born in Vorlage:Date or later, though it seems Timett is at least 16 years old, leading his own group of warriors, which would place his birth no later than 282 AC (15 turning 16 in 298 AC). Timett was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Tion Frey


Tion Frey is older by at least a year than his brother Walder, who was born in Vorlage:Date (see Walder Frey (Red Walder)). This means that Tion was born at least 1 year before 285 AC, making 284 AC last possible year of birth for Tion.

Tion is also at least 1 year younger than his older brother Lyonel (see Lyonel Frey). Lyonel was born no earlier than 259 AC, meaning that Tion cannot have been born earlier than 1 year after 259 AC, making 260 AC his first possible year of birth, theoretically.

However, Robb Stark guesses Tions age at 12 or 13, when looking at Tion’s corpse.Vorlage:Ref This shows that Tion cannot have been that much older than his younger brother Walder, who was born in 285 AC.

In conclusion, Tion’s theoretical range of birth is in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date. In reality Tion cannot have been much older than 15 when he died in Vorlage:Date, making the range of his birth in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date, which would place Tion’s age in between 15 and 20 when he died. This because even though Tion must have been at least 15, he was mistaken for a 12 or 13 year old boy. A 20 year old boy most likely won’t be mistaken for a 12 or 13 year old boy, but can be mistaken for a 15 year old.

Tion Lennister


Tion Lannister was the firstborn child of Gerold Lannister and Rohanne Webber, together with his twin, Tywald.Vorlage:Ref As of Vorlage:Date, Rohanne is not yet married to Gerold Lannister.Vorlage:Ref It is possible that Rohanne marries Gerold that year, though, meaning that technically, 211 AC is the first possible year of birth for Tion.

Tion was the older brother of Tytos Lannister,Vorlage:Ref who was born in Vorlage:Date (see Tytos Lannister). Tion would have been at least one year older than Tytos, placing his birth no later than 119 AC.

No further specifications can be given. Tion was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Tom aus Siebenbächen


Tom is said to be around 50 years old in Vorlage:Date, by Arya Stark.Vorlage:Ref In Vorlage:Date, Tom is said to be either 50 years old or older.Vorlage:Ref Being at least 50 in 299 AC, places Tom’s birth no later than Vorlage:Date.

Tom is stated to be in his fifties in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref That places his age between 51 and 59 in 300 AC, with the possibility that he is 59 turning 60 later during that year. This gives Tom the following options:

  • 50 having turned 51, placing his birth in 249 AC
  • 51 turning 52, placing his birth in 248 AC
  • 52 turning 53, placing his birth in 247 AC
  • 53 turning 54, placing his birth in 246 AC
  • 54 turning 55, placing his birth in 245 AC
  • 55 turning 56, placing his birth in 244 AC
  • 56 turning 57, placing his birth in 243 AC
  • 57 turning 58, placing his birth in 242 AC
  • 58 turning 59, placing his birth in 241 AC
  • 59 turning 60, placing his birth in 240 AC

No further specifications can be given. Tom was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.



Tomard is a man near 50 in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref This shows that Tomard hadn’t turned 50 yet, but he would in a few years. Being 49 years old maximally in This places Tomards birth in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Tommen Baratheon


Tommen is younger than his sister by one year.Vorlage:Ref Tommen is mentioned to have been 7 years old during Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref In Vorlage:Date, at Joffrey’s nameday tourney, Tommen is mentioned to have been 8 years old.Vorlage:Ref In Vorlage:Date, after the Battle of the Blackwater, Tommen is described to be 8 years old by his uncle Tyrion.Vorlage:Ref In Vorlage:Date, after Joffrey’s wedding, Tommen is described to be 8 years old again, this time by his supposed uncle (actual father) Jaime.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref Since Tommen is 8 years old in both 299 AC and 300 AC, he was 7 turning 8 in 299 AC, and 8 turning 9 in 300 AC. This means that Tommen was born in Vorlage:Date.

Trystan Martell


Trystane was 11 years old in Vorlage:Date,Vorlage:Ref and is 13 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 11 in Vorlage:Date leaves the following options:

  • 10 turning 11, placing his birth in 288 AC
  • 11 turning 12, placing his birth in 287 AC

Being 13 in Vorlage:Date leaves the following options:

  • 12 turning 13, placing his birth in 287 AC
  • 13 turning 14, placing his birth in 286 AC

The only overlapping year is 287 AC. Trystane was thus born in Vorlage:Date.

Trystan Wahrfeuer


Trystane was 16 years old in Vorlage:Date. Vorlage:Ref That gives him the following options:

  • 15 turning 16 in 130 AC, placing his birth in 114 AC
  • 16 turning 17 in 130 AC, placing his birth in 113 AC

However, as the source for Trystane's age concerns a historical work, rule #3 applies, eliminating the second option, leaving only 114 AC.

Trystane was thus born in Vorlage:Date.

Tyene Sand


Tyene Sand is described to be 23 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref That leaves two options open for Tyene:

  • 22 turning 23 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 277 AC
  • 23 turning 24 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 276 AC

No further specifications can be given. Tyene was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date has been given.

Tygett Lennister


Tygett is the younger brother of Genna Lannister, and the older brother of Gerion Lannister.Vorlage:Ref Tygett would thus be at least one year younger than his sister Genna, who was born in Vorlage:Date (see Genna Lannister), meaning that Tygett was born no earlier than 246 AC.

By Vorlage:Date, Tygett was already knighted.Vorlage:Ref That would mean that in Vorlage:Date, Tygett was at least 15 years old, placing his birth no later than 255 AC. However, Tygett would have been at least one year older than his brother Gerion, who was born in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref That means that Tygett was born no later than one year before, 254 AC.

According to a semi-canon, historical account,[4] Tygett was 10 years old in Vorlage:Date, placing his birth in Vorlage:Date.


Tygett would have died after the conception of his son, Tyrek. Tyrek was born in Vorlage:Date (see Tyrek Lannister). Tygett's death could have occured 9 months prior to Tygett's birth at the earliest, placing his death no earlier than Vorlage:Date.

No further specifications can be given. Tygett Lannister thus died in or after Vorlage:Date.

Tyrek Lennister


Tyrek is judged to be 11 somewhat more than halfway through Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Tyrek is known to have been 13 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref In Vorlage:Date Tyrek would have been 14, assuming he’s still alive.Vorlage:Ref Being 11 in 298AC, 13 in 299 AC and 14 in 300 AC is only possible if Tyrek was:

  • 11 turning 12 in Vorlage:Date
  • 12 turning 13 in Vorlage:Date
  • 13 turning 14 in Vorlage:Date

This places Tyreks birth in the year Vorlage:Date.

Tysane Frey


Tysanne has been mentioned to have been 7 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 7 years old in both 299 AC and 300 AC means she was 6 turning 7 in 299 AC, and 7 turning 8 in 300 AC, placing her birth in Vorlage:Date.



Tysha was “scarcely a year older” than Tyrion,Vorlage:Ref who was born in 273AC.Vorlage:Ref This places Tysha’s birth in Vorlage:Date.

Tyta Frey


Tyta Frey was mentioned to be 29 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref This gives Tyta the following options:

  • 28 turning 29 in 299 AC, placing her birth in 270 AC
  • 29 turning 30 in 299 AC, placing her birth in 269 AC

No further specifications can be given. She was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Tytos Frey


Tytos would have been at least 13 years old when his firstborn child Zia was born. Zia was born in 285 AC (see Zia Frey), meaning that Tytos last possible year of birth was 13 years prior, thus 272AC.

Tytos’ father Jared would have been at least 13 years old when his firstborn child was born. Tytos is Jared’s firstborn child. Jared’s earliest possible year of birth in 248 AC (see Jared Frey), meaning that Tytos’ earliest possible year of birth was 13 years later, in 261 AC.

Tytos Frey was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Tytos Lennister


Tytos' eldest child was born in Vorlage:Date (see Tywin Lannister). Tytos would have been at least 13 years old when Tywin was born, meaning that Tytos was born no later than Vorlage:Date.

It is known that Tytos was 19 years old in Vorlage:Date, and was 24 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref As both sources for Tytos' age concern historical works, rule #3 applies, placing Tytos' birth in Vorlage:Date.

Tytos Lannister was thus born in Vorlage:Date.

Tywald Lennister


Tywald Lannister was the firstborn child of Gerold Lannister and Rohanne Webber, together with his twin, Tion.Vorlage:Ref As of Vorlage:Date, Rohanne is not yet married to Gerold Lannister.Vorlage:Ref It is possible that Rohanne marries Gerold that year, though, meaning that technically, 211 AC is the first possible year of birth for Tywald.

Tywald was the older brother of Tytos Lannister,Vorlage:Ref who was born in Vorlage:Date (see Tytos Lannister). Tywald would have been at least one year older than Tytos, placing his birth no later than 119 AC.

No further specifications can be given. Tywald was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Tywin Frey (Sohn von Raymund)


In late Vorlage:Date, Tywin has not yet been born.Vorlage:Ref In early Vorlage:Date, Tywin has been born.Vorlage:Ref No specifications can be given, meaning he was born either in late Vorlage:Date, or early Vorlage:Date.

Tywin Frey


Tywin has been mentioned to have been 11 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and 12 in Vorlage:DateVorlage:Ref. Being 11 in Vorlage:Date gives the following options:

  • 10 turning 11, placing his birth in 288 AC
  • 11 turning 12, placing his birth in 287 AC

Being 12 in Vorlage:Date gives the following options:

  • 11 turning 12, placing his birth in 288 AC
  • 12 turning 13, placing his birth in 287 AC

No further specifications can be given. Tywin was born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Tywin Lennister


Tywin Lannister is said to have been 10 when his sister Genna was 7,Vorlage:Ref in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Tywin is also stated to have been 25 years old in Vorlage:Date, and 20 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref As the sources for Tywin’s age are mostly a historical work from maester Yandel, for those sources, rule #3 applies, placing Tywin’s birth 20 years prior to 262 AC, and 25 years prior to 267 AC, thus, placing Tywins’ birth in Vorlage:Date.

Urrigon Graufreud


Urrigon was 14 years old when he diedVorlage:Ref in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref That gives Urrigon the following two options:

  • 13 turning 14 in 283 AC, placing his birth in 269 AC
  • 14 turning 15 in 283 AC, placing his birth in 268 AC

No further specifications can be given. Urrigon was thus born in either 268 AC or 269 AC.

Utherydes Wayn


Utherydes is of an age with Hoster Tully, in Vorlage:Date Vorlage:Ref who was born in or between 237 AC and 240 AC (see Hoster Tully). That would place Utherydes’ birth roughly in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date as well.

Uthor Unterblatt


Uthor is about 10 years older that Duncan the Tall.Vorlage:Ref Duncan the Tall was born in either Vorlage:Date, Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date (see Duncan the Tall), meaning that Uthor was born around Vorlage:Date, Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Vaegon Targaryen


Vaegon was the seventh child of Jaehaerys and Alysanne.Vorlage:Ref He was at least one year younger than his older sister Aeryn, and at least six years older than his youngest sibling, Gael. Aeryn was born in 55 AC the earliest (see Aeryn Targaryen), meaning that Vaegon was born at least one year later, making 56 AC the earliest possible year of birth for him.

Gael was born in 83 AC the latest (see Gael Targaryen). Thus, Vaegon would have been born the latest 6 years prior, in 77 AC.

No further specification can be given. Vaegon was thus born in or between 56 AC and 77 AC.

Valarr Targaryen


Valarr was the firstborn son of Baelor Breakspear, who was born in Vorlage:Date (see Baelor Targaryen). Baelor would have been at least 13 years old when Valarr was born, meaning that Valarr cannot have been born before 183 AC. Valarr participated in a tourney in 209 AC. With the minimum age of 16, Valarr cannot have been born after 193AC.

Valarr Targaryen was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Note: Valarr gave his father his armour to wear for the Trial of Seven in 209 AC.Vorlage:Ref Since Valarr’s armour fitted Baelor without any problems, it can be assumed that Valarr was somewhat older than 16, giving a minimum of 18, the age of an adult in real life. Having been at least 18 years old in 209 AC places Valarrs birth in 191 AC the latest.

Valerion Targaryen


Valerion was the nineth child of Jaehaerys and Alysanne.Vorlage:Ref He was at least one year younger than his older sister Maegelle, and at least four years older than his youngest sibling, Gael. Maegelle was born in 57 AC the earliest (see Maegelle Targaryen), meaning that Valerion was born at least one year later, making 58 AC the earliest possible year of birth for him.

Gael was born in 83 AC the latest (see Gael Targaryen). Thus, Valerion would have been born the latest 4 years prior, in 79 AC.

No further specification can be given. Valerion was thus born in or between 58 AC and 79 AC.

Vardis Egen


Vardis Egen is judged to be 15 years older than Bronn,Vorlage:Ref who was born in or between 264 AC and 268 AC (see Bronn). This means that Ser Vardis was born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date, roughly.

Victarion Graufreud


Victarion was born at least one year before his younger brother, Urrigon. Urrigon was born in either 269 AC or 268 AC (see Urrigon Greyjoy), meaning that Victarion was born in 268 AC the absolute latest.

No further specifications can be given. Victarion Greyjoy was born in or before 268 AC.

Viserra Targaryen


Viserra was the tenth child of Jaehaerys and Alysanne.Vorlage:Ref She was at least one year younger than her older brother Valerion, and at least three years older than her youngest sibling, Gael. Valerion was born in 58 AC the earliest (see Valerion Targaryen), meaning that Viserra was born at least one year later, making 59 AC the earliest possible year of birth for her.

Gael was born in 83 AC the latest (see Gael Targaryen). Thus, Viserra would have been born the latest 4 years prior, in 80 AC.

No further specification can be given. Viserra was thus born in or between 59 AC and 80 AC.

Viserys I. Targaryen


Viserys has been mentioned to have been 43 years old in Vorlage:Date. This leaves the following options for Viserys:

  • 42 turning 43 in 120 AC, placing his birth in 77 AC
  • 43 turning 44 in 120 AC, placing his birth in 76 AC

Viserys has also been mentioned to have been 52 years old in Vorlage:Date. This leaves the following options for Viserys:

  • 51 turning 52 in 129 AC, placing his birth in 77 AC
  • 52 turning 53 in 129 AC, placing his birth in 76 AC

As both sources for Viserys’ age concern historical works, rule #3 applies. This would eliminate 76 AC as a possible year of birth, leaving only 77 AC.

Viserys was thus born in Vorlage:Date.

Viserys Pflum


Viserys’ parents, Elaena Targaryen and Ossifer Plumm, were married in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Ossifer died during the wedding night, yet Elaena did become pregnant.Vorlage:Ref As it is unknown when in the year Elaena was impregnated, Viserys’ birth thus could have occurred in 176 AC, but also in 177 AC.

No further specification can be given. Viserys was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Visenya Targaryen


Visenya has been mentioned to have been “a year or two” older than her brother Aegon,[3] who has been mentioned to have been born in 27 BC.Vorlage:Ref This means that Visenya was born in either 28 BC or 29 BC.

Walda Frey (Tochter von Edwyn)


Walda has been mentioned to have been 8 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and 9 in Vorlage:DateVorlage:Ref. Being 8 in Vorlage:Date gives the following options:

  • 7 turning 8, placing her birth in 291 AC
  • 8 turning 9, placing her birth in 290 AC

Being 9 in Vorlage:Date gives the following options:

  • 8 turning 9, placing her birth in 291 AC
  • 9 turning 10, placing her birth in 290 AC

No further specifications can be given. Walda was born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Walda Frey (Tochter von Lothar)


Walda has been mentioned to have been 4 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and 5 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 4 years old in Vorlage:Date and 5 years old in Vorlage:Date, gives her the following options:

  • 3 turning 4 in 299 AC, and 4 turning 5 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 295 AC
  • 4 turning 5 in 299 AC, and 5 turning 6 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 294 AC

No further specifications can be given. Walda was born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Walda Frey (Schöne Walda)


Fair Walda is mentioned, in late Vorlage:Date, to soon be nineteen years old.Vorlage:Ref This suggests that Walda will either be turning 19 in the last few weeks of Vorlage:Date, or in Vorlage:Date. Turning 19 in Vorlage:Date would place her birth in 280 AC, turning 19 in Vorlage:Date would place her birth in 281AC. No further specifications can be given.

Fair Walda was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Walda Frey (Fette Walda)


Walda has been mentioned to have been 15 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref This leaves two options for Walda:

  • 14 turning 15 in Vorlage:Date, placing her birth in 284 AC
  • 15 turning 16 in Vorlage:Date, placing her birth in 283 AC

No further specifications can be given. Walda was born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Walda Frey (Weiße Walda)


Walda has been mentioned to have been 10 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and 11 in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref. Being 10 years old in Vorlage:Date gives the following options:

  • 9 turning 10, placing her birth in 289 AC
  • 10 turning 11, placing her birth in 288 AC

Being 11 in Vorlage:Date gives the following options:

  • 10 turning 11, placing her birth in 289 AC
  • 11 turning 12, placing her birth in 288 AC

No further specifications can be given. Walda was born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Walda Strom


Walda is judged to be no older than 4 in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref That gives her the following options:

  • 3 turning 4 in 299 AC, placing her birth in 295 AC
  • 4 turning 5 in 299 AC, placing her birth in 294 AC

No further specifications can be given. Walda was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Walder Brax


Walder has been mentioned to have been 6 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 6 years old in both Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date means he was 5 turning 6 in Vorlage:Date, and 6 turning 7 in Vorlage:Date, placing his birth in 293 AC.

Walder was thus born in Vorlage:Date.

Walder Frey (Großer Walder)


Big Walder is 52 days older than Little Walder.Vorlage:Ref Both children are 8 years old in Vorlage:Date,Vorlage:Ref and when Catelyn Stark accepts them as wards, Big Walder had already turned 8, and Little Walder is still 7.Vorlage:Ref Being 8 years old in Vorlage:Date gives the following options:

  • 7 turning 8, born in 292 AC
  • 8 turning 9, born in 291 AC

It is unknown whether Catelyn Stark accepts the two boys in Vorlage:Date or in Vorlage:Date. If Big Walder was accepted as ward at the age of 8, for both years the options would become:

  • In 298AC, 7 turning 8, born in 290 AC
  • In 298AC, 8 turning 9, born in 289 AC
  • In 299AC, 7 turning 8, born in 291 AC
  • In 299AC, 8 turning 9, born in 290 AC

For Big Walder, the elder of the two boys, the only year lining up is 291 AC. Big Walder Frey was thus born in 291 AC. This also means that Walder was accepted as a ward by Catelyn in Vorlage:Date, placing everything that happens after the Twins in Vorlage:Date.

Walder Frey (Kleiner Walder)


Little Walder Frey is 52 days younger than cousin Big Walder.Vorlage:Ref Both children are 8 years old in Vorlage:Date, and when Catelyn Stark accepts them as wards, Big Walder had already turned 8, and Little Walder is still 7.Vorlage:Ref In Vorlage:Date, Little Walder is 8 years old.Vorlage:Ref In addition, before the year Vorlage:Date has ended, Little Walder has turned 9.Vorlage:Ref

Big Walder was born in 291 AC (see Walder Frey (Big Walder)). This means that Little Walder must have been born in 291 AC as well, since there are more than 52 days between Catelyn accepting the two boys as wards, and the first day of Vorlage:Date taking place.

In addition, Little Walder’s year of birth can be proven on it’s own. Little Walder is mentioned to be both 8Vorlage:Ref and 9Vorlage:Ref in Vorlage:Date, showing that he was 8 turning 9 in Vorlage:Date, and thus confirming he was born in 291 AC.

Walder Frey (Roter Walder)


Walder has been mentioned to have been 14 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref. Being 14 years old in both Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date means he was 13 turning 14 in Vorlage:Date, and 14 turning 15 in Vorlage:Date, placing his birth in Vorlage:Date.

Walder Frey (Schwarzer Walder)


Black Walder is the second born son of Ryman Frey. He’s younger than Edwyn Frey, but older than Petyr Frey. Younger brother Petyr was born in Vorlage:Date (see Petyr Frey), meaning that Black Walder was born at least one year before, in 280 AC. 280 AC is thus Walders last possible moment of birth. Older brother Edwyn was born in 259 AC the earliest (see Edwyn Frey). This means that Walder cannot have been born earlier than 1 year later than Edwyn, thus in 260 AC.

Black Walder was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Walder Frey


In Vorlage:Date, Walder Frey is mentioned to be taking a new wife upon his 90th nameday.Vorlage:Ref At this point, Walder is still 89 years old. When Catelyn Stark visits the Twins, Walder has turned 90.Vorlage:Ref This event takes place in Vorlage:Date (see Walder Frey (Big Walder Frey)).

When riding towards the Twins for the wedding of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey, it is stated that Lord Walder is now (299 AC) 91 years old.Vorlage:Ref Being 89 in 298 AC and both 90 and 91 in 299 AC can only be if Walder had been 89 turning 90 in 298 AC, and 90 turning 91 in 299 AC. Lord Walder Frey was thus born in Vorlage:Date.

As a second addition, Lord Walder is mentioned to be turning 92 “soon” in early Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref

Walder Gotbrook


Walder has been mentioned to have been 9 in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 9 years old in both Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date means he was 8 turning 9 in Vorlage:Date, and 9 turning 10 in Vorlage:Date, placing his birth in Vorlage:Date.

Walder Heckenfeld


Walder has been mentioned to have been 4 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref, and 5 in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 4 in Vorlage:Date gives the following options:

  • 3 turning 4, placing his birth in 295 AC
  • 4 turning 5, placing his birth in 294 AC

Being 5 in Vorlage:Date gives the following options:

  • 4 turning 5, placing his birth in 295 AC
  • 5 turning 6, placing his birth in 294 AC

No further specifications can be given. Walder was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Walder Vanke


Walder is a squire in Vorlage:Date, meaning he would minimally have been turning 8 in Vorlage:Date.[5] That would make his last possible year of birth 291 AC.

Walders mother was born in 249 AC the earliest (see Maegelle Frey). Since Walder is the second child of his mother, his mother would have been at least 14 years old when he was born, meaning that Walder’s first possible year of birth was 14 years after 249 AC, placing his birth in 263 AC the earliest, theoretically.

Note: Walder’s sister is at least one year older than him, and she’s still a maiden unwed in Vorlage:Date, suggesting she’s still rather young, which would suggest that Walder is still young as well in Vorlage:Date.

Walder was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Walderran Tarbeck


Walderan was 55 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref As the source for Walderan’s concerns a historical work, rule #3 applies, placing Walderan's birth in Vorlage:Date.

Walen Frey


Whalen Frey is younger than Jammos Frey by at least one year. Jammos was born no earlier than 266 AC (see Jammos Frey), meaning that one year later, 267 AC, is the first possible birth year of for Whalen.

Whalen is older than his sister Morya Frey by at least one year. The last possible year of birth of Morya is 269 AC (see Morya Frey), making Whalens last possible year of birth one year before, in 268 AC.

No further specifications can be given. Whalen was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Wallace Waynwald


Wallace is said to have been Robb Stark’s age, had Robb lived, in Vorlage:Date.[6] In 300 AC, Robb was born in Vorlage:Date. Wallace's older brother Donnel was born in 277 AC or 278 AC (see Donnel Waynwood). That means that Wallace's first possible year of birth is 278 AC.

Wallace thus was born in or between 278 AC and 283 AC.

Walton Frey


Walton is Stevron Frey's only child by his third wife, Marsella Waynwood, whereas his older sister Maegelle is Stevron Frey's youngest child by his second wife, Jeyne Lydden.Vorlage:RefVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref As they have different mothers, it is possible for Walton and Maegelle to have been born in the same year. Maegelle was born in 249 AC the earliest (see Maegelle Frey), meaning that Walton Frey's first possible year of birth is also 249 AC.

Walton would have been at least 13 years old when his eldest child was born, and thus at least 14 when his second child was born. Walda Frey (Fair Walda) is Walton’s second born child. She was born in either 280 AC or 281 AC (see Walda Frey (Fair Walda)). Walton would have been at least 14 at her birth, meaning that the youngest he could have been, was 14 in 281 AC, which would place his birth in 267 AC.

Walton Frey was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Waltyr Frey


Waltyr was 10 years old in both 299 AC and 300 AC. Vorlage:RefVorlage:RefVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref Being 10 years old in both 299 AC and 300 AC means that Waltyr was 9 turning 10 in Vorlage:Date, and 10 turning 11 in Vorlage:Date, placing his birth in Vorlage:Date.

Weide (Tochter von Aegon IV.)


Willow’s mother, Megette, was the mistress of King Aegon IV from Vorlage:Date until Vorlage:Date. Willow is listed as the third of four children.Vorlage:Ref This would place Willow’s birth in Vorlage:Date.

Weide Heddel


Willow is 10 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref That gives her the following options:

  • 9 turning 10 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 290 AC
  • 10 turning 11 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 289 AC

No further specifications can be given. Willow was born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Wendel Frey


Wendel was 13 years old in both 299 AC and 300 AC. Vorlage:RefVorlage:RefVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref Being 13 years old in both Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date means that Wendel was 12 turning 13 in Vorlage:Date, and 13 turning 14 in Vorlage:Date, placing his birth in Vorlage:Date.

Wendel Manderly


Wendel is the second born son of Wyman Manderly. He is at least one year older than Catelyn Tully,Vorlage:Ref which would place his birth in Vorlage:Date at the latest (see Catelyn Tully). Wendels father Wyman was born in Vorlage:Date the earliest. Since Wyman would have been at least 14 years old at the birth of his eldest son, he would have been at least 15 years old at the birth of his youngest son. This would place Wendels birth no earlier than Vorlage:Date.

Wendel was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Wex Peik


Wex was 12 years old in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref This leaves the following options for Wex:

  • 11 turning 12 in 299 AC, and thus 12 turning 13 in 300 AC, placing his birth in 287 AC
  • 12 turning 13 in 299 AC, and thus 13 turning 14 in 300 AC, placing his birth in 286 AC

In Vorlage:Date, Davos meets Wex. He guesses Wex to be 14 or 15 years old.Vorlage:Ref As the two options above show, Wex would be either 13 or 14 in Vorlage:Date. Comparing that to Davos’ estimations, Wex seems to have been 14 years old in Vorlage:Date, eliminating the first option, and placing Wex’s birth in Vorlage:Date.

Weymar Rois


Ser Waymar is 18 years old in 297 AC. Being 18 in 297 AC gives his two options:

  • Being 17 turning 18 in 297 AC, placing his birth in 279 AC
  • Being 18 turning 19 in 297 AC, placing his birth in 278 AC

No further indication can be given on Waymar. He was born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.


During the Tourney of the Hand in 298 AC, Sansa Stark mentions that she met Ser Raymar Royce and his father when they visited Winterfell, on their way to the Wall. The timeframe Sansa mentions was 2 years ago.Vorlage:Ref During the prologue of A Game of Thrones, Ser Waymar has been on the Wall for almost half a year.Vorlage:Ref The time in between Sansa remembering having met the Royces (during the Tourney of the Hand), and one of Ser Warmar's fellow rangers getting decapitated (during A Game of Thrones, Bran I), seems to have been at least 7 months, since King Robert visited Winterfell for at least one month, and the journey from Winterfell to King's Landing, and thus also from King's Landing to Winterfell, took about 2 months each. Robert cannot have left for Winterfell until 2 weeks after Joffrey’s 12th nameday (since he didn't leave until Jon Arryn had died, and Jon Arryn died a fortnight after Joffrey's nameday), which is known to have taken place in Vorlage:Date (see the Joffrey Baratheon calculation), although most likely more time passed in between Jon Arryn’s death and Robert leaving for Winterfell, seeing as how Cersei and her children were not in King's Landing when Jon Arryn died (they were making a tour to Casterly Rock), but they were present in the royal party. Naturally, some weeks passed in between arriving at King's Landing and the Tourney of the Hand, which are guessed at the lower bar of 1 month.

Thus Sansa Stark remembers a while into the second half of 298 AC that she met the Royces 2 years prior, placing their visit to Winterfell into the second half of 296 AC. With Waymar dying after spending half a year on the Wall, Waymar's death thus occured in Vorlage:Date.



Weasel was found in the Riverlands in Vorlage:Date. She was no older than 2.Vorlage:Ref Weasel being 2 in Vorlage:Date gives her the following options:

  • 1 turning 2 in Vorlage:Date, placing her birth in Vorlage:Date
  • 2 turning 3 in Vorlage:Date, placing her birth in Vorlage:Date

No further specifications can be given. Weasel was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Willem Darry


Willem Darry fell sick when Daenerys Targaryen was 5 years old.Vorlage:Ref Daenerys was born in 284 AC (see Daenerys Targaryen), which means that Willem fell sick in either 289 AC or 290 AC, as Daenerys would have been 5 years old in both years. It is unknown how long Willem was sick before he died, though it is stated that he died soon after.Vorlage:Ref Thus it can be stated that Willem died in Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date, roughly.



Willamen is an older brother of Olyvar and Roslin, and a younger brother of Benfrey and Perwyn.Vorlage:Ref This means that Willamen was born at least one year before Olyvar, who was born in Vorlage:Date (see Olyvar Frey), meaning that Willamen was born no later than 280 AC.

Willamen is younger than Benfrey and Perwyn. Perwyn was born no earlier than 270 AC (see Perwyn Frey), and Benfrey was born no earlier than 271 AC (see Benfrey Frey), meaning that Willamen, who comes next, was born no earlier than 272 AC.

No further specifications can be given. Willamen was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Willas Tyrell


Willas Tyrell is the eldest son of Mace Tyrell and Alerie Hightower. With Mace Tyrell being born in Vorlage:Date (see Mace Tyrell), and second son Garlan being born to Mace in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date, Willas will have been born in between 269 AC (when Mace would have been 13 years old) and 276 AC (one year before Garlans latest possible year of birth).

Willas is said to twice the age of Sansa Stark.Vorlage:Ref Sansa, at that moment, is 12. Since Garlan was 22 years old at that time, Willas would have been 23 years old (one year older than Garlan) or older.

Being exactly twice Sansa’s age would make him 24 years old, and keeping an error marge in mind, he could have been 25 years old as well. Willas is considered a bit too old for Sansa by his grandmother, suggesting the age difference is reaching its limit. Mace Tyrell was born in Vorlage:Date. Mace’s wife Alerie is known to be younger than her husband,Vorlage:Ref meaning that she was born no earlier than Vorlage:Date. Being at least 13 years old during the birth of her first child, 270 AC is the absolute earliest that Willas could have been born.

All in all, nothing more can be said about Willas’ age, so the conclusion is that he was born between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Willem Frey


Willem has been mentioned to have been 9 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and 10 in Vorlage:DateVorlage:Ref. Being 9 in Vorlage:Date gives the following options:

  • 8 turning 9, placing his birth in 290 AC
  • 9 turning 10, placing his birth in 289 AC

Being 10 in Vorlage:Date gives the following options:

  • 9 turning 10, placing his birth in 290 AC
  • 10 turning 11, placing his birth in 289 AC

No further specifications can be given. Willem was born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Willem Lennister


Willem was judged to have been 12 or 13 years old in Vorlage:Date by Robb Stark.Vorlage:Ref That gives Willem the following options:

  • 11 turning 12 in 299 AC, placing his birth in 287 AC
  • 12 turning 13 in 299 AC, placing his birth in 286 AC
  • 13 turning 14 in 299 AC, placing his birth in 285 AC

No further specifications can be given. Willem was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date

Wylis Manderly


Wylis Manderly is the eldest son of Wyman Manderly, and older than Catelyn Tully, as is his younger brother Wendel.Vorlage:Ref That both brothers are older than Catelyn, means that the youngest could have been born one year before Catelyn, the earliest. Since Wylis is older than his brother, that would place his birth no later than two years before Catelyn, who was born in Vorlage:Date (see Catelyn Tully). This means that Wylis was born in Vorlage:Date the latest.

Since Wylis’ father Wyman was born in Vorlage:Date the earliest, and Wyman would have been at least 13 years old at Wylis’ birth, Wylis cannot have been born any earlier than Vorlage:Date.

Wylis was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date

Wylla Manderly


Wylla looked to be no older than 15 to Davos Seaworth in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref In Vorlage:Date, Wylla was indeed 15 years old.Vorlage:Ref That gives her the following options:

  • 14 turning 15 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 285 AC
  • 15 turning 16 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 284 AC

No further specifications can be given. Wylla was born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Wyman Manderly


Wyman was near 60 in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref This means that in Vorlage:Date, Wyman was 59 years old at the latest. This would place his birth no earlier than Vorlage:Date.

Wymans eldest son Wylis was born no later than Vorlage:Date (see Wylis Manderly). Wyman would have been at least 13 years old when Wylis was born, meaning that Wyman would have been at least 13 years old in Vorlage:Date, placing his birth no later than Vorlage:Date.

However, "near 60" suggests that Wyman is closer to 60 than to 50, showing that he is at least 56. Being 55 turning 56 in 298 AC at his youngest, would place Wymans birth in 242 AC. Thus Wyman was born no later than 242 AC.

Wyman was thus born in or between Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date.

Wyman Weber


In The Sworn Sword, it less than a month until the second anniversary of Lord Wyman's death.Vorlage:Ref The Sworn Sword takes place in Vorlage:Date (see Turning of the years#The Sworn Sword). As The Mystery Knight also takes place in Vorlage:Date,Vorlage:Ref and Dunk and Egg have been able to travel from the Reach to the riverlands, as well as the fact that Dunk's injuries have completely healed by then,Vorlage:Ref it can be surmised that the second anniversary of Wyman's death occurs in 211 AC, meaning that his death occured in Vorlage:Date.

Wynafryd Manderly


Wynafryd is 19 years old in 300 AC.Vorlage:Ref That gives her the following options:

  • 18 turning 19 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 281 AC
  • 19 turning 20 in 300 AC, placing her birth in 280 AC

No further specifications can be given. Wynafryd was thus born in either Vorlage:Date or Vorlage:Date.

Wynton Feist


Wynton has been a ranger of the Night’s Watch for 80 years in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref It is unknown how old he was when he became a ranger, meaning that the most specific year that can be given for his birth, is “before Vorlage:Date”.



Yandel was born in the 10th year of the reign of King Aerys II Targaryen.Vorlage:Ref As King Aerys ascended the throne in Vorlage:Date,Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref, this would place Yandels birth in the year Vorlage:Date.



Ygritte claims to be three years older than Jon Snow.Vorlage:RefVorlage:Ref Jon Snow was born in Vorlage:Date (see Jon Snow), placing Ygritte’s birth in Vorlage:Date.

Zachery Frey


Zachery has been mentioned to have been 12 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 12 years odl in both Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date means he was 11 turning 12 in Vorlage:Date, and 12 turning 13 in Vorlage:Date, placing his birth in Vorlage:Date.

Zia Frey


Zia has been mentioned to have been 14 years old in Vorlage:DateVorlage:RefVorlage:Ref and in Vorlage:Date.Vorlage:Ref Being 14 years old in both Vorlage:Date and Vorlage:Date means she was 13 turning 14 in Vorlage:Date, and 14 turning 15 in Vorlage:Date, placing her birth in Vorlage:Date.


  1. Klarstellung [1]
  2. So Spake Martin: Three Maidens in the Tower (June 27, 2006)
  3. 3,0 3,1 So Spake Martin: More Targaryen Descriptions (December 24, 2005)
  4. The World of Ice and Fire: the Westerlands, unabbridged version
  5. Generally, one seems to be at least 8 years old when becoming a squire, though he can also be older
  6. Referenzfehler: Es ist ein ungültiger <ref>-Tag vorhanden: Für die Referenz namens Winds wurde kein Text angegeben.